A Community Association Solutions (CASolutions) Website
For Those Involved in the Management and Support of Common Interest Communities

Nevada Updates and Blasts
Although you may still receive email blasts, here you can also find the latest Nevada CID news from SEB.
To be placed on the list for Nevada email blasts just send a request to SEBLV.
You must include your full name, occupation, title and company or community if a manager.
Blasts are retained for 6-10 months.
March 2025
Date: 030925 ... SNWA Article
1 - SNWA Programs Help Combat Heat Islands. Link to SNWA article
"Climate experts predict that by mid-century Southern Nevada will experience more than 100 days a year with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees ........
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal & Legal Secretary
Held Highest National CAM Designation (1993-2018)
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
February 2025
Date: 021225 ... SNWA Articles -2
1 - Leaks: The Hidden Thieves That Steal Your Water… And Your Money. Link to SNWA article
2 - Spring Into Smart Watering: Tips for the Season. Link to SNWA article
Date: 021225 ... Insurance and Silver State Housing Classes
Class on 2-27 - Shopping Insurance 101 - CE.02220000 & 2 Fair Housing Classes.
Please find attached the notice that was given to the NRED of a 3-hour insurance class. Please sign up with me and it is on Zoom. The class is filling up fast so please let me know if you want to attend and include your license number, please
Silver State Fair Housing … Silver State Fair Housing has a class as well. Both the North and South fliers are attached to. You sign up with them.
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal & Legal Secretary
Held Highest National CAM Designation (1993-2018)
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
January 2025
Date: 011925(a) ... The Critical Importance of Maintaining Fire Hydrants in Your Community.
Please remember that this is an annual requirement of the board to have hydrants tested so your community doesn’t run into this type of situation. It could be major lawsuits if this happened in your communities. The State of California are blaming it on the Cities but the blame goes all around, mostly with the State. Checking your hydrants are a necessary annual requirement for safety purposes.
I used to have the LV City fire department and Reno FD do a CE class for me, but they stopped after hitting all of the areas in the Valley. Too busy to do any more.
Even if the streets are public, check to see if it has been done recently by the City. Sometimes you may still be responsible, particularly if they are red hydrants.
You can also put it in a search but many articles are not out there. City of Las Vegas has this document you can read too.
It is important that you know what type your hydrants are. In Pahrump, for example, they have yellow and blue caps in some areas and I had concerns about who was to manage them. I was told that the color tells the fire fighters what the water pressure is (or should be) at that hydrant.
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal & Legal Secretary
Held Highest National CAM Designation (1993-2018)
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
Date: 011925(b) ... New Service Line Warranty Program Offered to District Customers.
As a homeowner in Southern Nevada, you know water leaks are bound to happen. To help you better afford repairing costly service line water leaks, the Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) is introducing a new program to help make it easier to find and repair costly leaks—and save our precious natural resources.
The LVVWD developed the Service Line Protection Warranty Program in partnership with American Water Resources, an Oncourse company, to provide water service line protection at a significantly discounted rate. The program covers repair costs for service line leaks and breaks that occur between the home and the water meter.
Through this program, District customers pay a monthly premium starting at $3.99 for the first three years. The first 50,000 customers who enroll in the program will be fully reimbursed for the first year of service ($47.88) by the LVVWD. It’s important to note that LVVWD does not receive any financial compensation from this program, but rather created this partnership solely to help its customers avoid the high cost of service line repairs, which can exceed $3,000.
Research shows that homes more than 20 years old are significantly more likely to experience service line leaks than newer properties. This expense can lead to delayed repairs, which results in more water lost to leaks and, in time, drives up the customer’s water bill.
Details on the new warranty program will be mailed to District homeowners in early 2025. Visit lvvwd.com for more info about the program and additional water-saving tips.
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal & Legal Secretary
Held Highest National CAM Designation (1993-2018)
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
November 2024
Date: 112524 ... Law classes for those looking for them for your license.
Please see attached for some upcoming classes offering law credits. Please be sure to send your registration to Education@lkglawfirm.com. Please feel free to share this with your fellow managers and Board members. Class Flier
Our classes fill quickly so RSVP soon.
Thank you,
Michelle Goodell
Legal Assistant
Please note that I am off on Fridays – please be sure you include Assistants@lkglawfirm.com in all communication to me to ensure timely responses.
November 2024 & (see also October below)
Date: 101324 ... Class - Fair housing and boards can stay out of trouble
Please find a flier sent for distribution to Reno managers and directors. This is an in-person class for CAM’s, directors and Real Estate licensee’s. 3 hours law for CAMs and 3 hours ethics for Real Estate.
11/13/2024 9:00 a.m. – Noon
Sierra Nevada Realtors
5650 Riggins Court #A
Reno, NV
Unfortunately, there is a $20 fee and flier states how to deal with it.
There are more classes if you need them by checking on this website.
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal & Legal Secretary
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
October 2024
Date: 101324 ... New classes - One Critical for Directors
Below is a list of my involved classes, but if you board members have not taken Gary Lein’s Budgets & Reserves class, it is important they know about this on October 29th. They can attend all of them but this one is critical.
10-23-2024 – 10:00 a.m. Types of Insurance – Different types to be aware of. – Mark Coolman – 1 Hour. General
10-29-2024 – 1:00 p.m. – Budgets and Reserves in the CIC – Gary Lein, CPA. – 3 Hours General (Recommended for directors too)
11-19-24 – 9:00 a.m. – Insurance Claim Management – Ron Wright – 3 Hours General
This is a reminder and letter I got from Ronald McDonald House. They really appreciate us saving the aluminum can tabs for them and each time I take them in I make sure they know it is from the HOA industry so that we get some……. Positive recognition vs. always negative. Please save for me and I will pick them up. Good idea maybe to put in your newsletters. Link to letter.
Just as an FYI, I will no longer be doing the statute booklets. The company I used won’t replace the machine they used as when it broke as no one else needed it. The company they referred me to doubled the price for me to have them printed…… Nope. Sorry! Unless someone wants to subsidize the initial cost or sponsor the statute books, someone else will have to take it on.
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal & Legal Secretary
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
July-Aug 2024
Date: 072224 ... 2 Classes
Non-Profit D&O Insurance ... 07.23.24
Please know that NACM will be having a class taught on 7-23-24 at 3:00 p.m. on Zoom. I have attached what was sent into the NRED and it still is not posted. This is a really good class explaining Non-Profit Directors and Officers Insurance. CE.0296000 taught by Mark Coolman. See attached for sign up instructions.
Also, the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau has finally uploaded the NRS 116 and NRS 116A laws onto their website. As I mentioned in my last e-mail, I won’t be doing the books any longer, but will try to keep you up to date when things change.
If someone in your company has not been getting these, please let them know as about ¼ of all the e-mails I have are bouncing back.
CE-CAM calendar template 7-23-24 Non-Profit D&O Insurance
ABCs of Fair Housing ... 08.14.24
Silver State Fair Housing asked me to notice their 3 hour class to all of you who have not taken the class and may need the credits. I have attached their flier that has the information on it.
For any of you CAM’s looking for law credits, this class has 3 hours of law credits. If you have your real estate sales license as well it has Ethics credits.
Realtors – (Ethics credits) CE.2630000-RE
Community Managers – CE.0060001-CAM
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal &
Legal Secretary
Held Highest National CAM
Designation (1993-2018)
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
Date: 070124 ... Classes and update on website
Class – Water – The Southern Nevada Water Authority will be giving updates on the plans so you can help your owners and directors at their 2-hour class on 8/14/2024 at 1:00 p.m. on Zoom If you have not already signed up, pleases let me know. Conservation and Use of Our Water - CE.0333000 Gen
Class – On 11-19-2024 a new insurance class will be held on Zoom It is called Insurance Claims Management and Ron Wright and a Claims Adjuster will be teaching it for CAI. I will try to send their link later when they start taking reservations on their site. CE.0571000 3 Hours
Every Monday, I will be putting a question-and-answer update on my website. If you don’t have the link, here it is – www.hoasupport.com.
There are already some up there for your use. You can click on the image below to go to the website.
For Reno Managers, I have attached a flier for an in-person class held by the Silver State Fair Housing. 7-18-24 CE.0482000 3 Law Credits – If you have your Real Estate license look at the flier as it has that information too.
I will no longer be doing statute booklets. It's just too costly for me. Hopefully LCB will get it all up online and you can make binders after printing things out.
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal &
Legal Secretary
Held Highest National CAM
Designation (1993-2018)
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
May 2024
Date: 051524 ... Handouts and link for today's Class
PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU CAN’T ATTEND! It saves me a lot of time. The portal is normally open ½ hour before the class to work with you to solve any issues. Please don’t wait until after the classes starts to try to sign in.
Here is the link below and the handouts are attached.
Sara Barry is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Cameras must be on and you must be visibly attentive during the class, per the NRED for CE credits.
Topic: Financial Issues in the CIC - CE.0129000 ZOOM
Time: May 16, 2024 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 4126 6464
Passcode: 847413
Handouts .... Class PDF ... Eval Form
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal & Legal Secretary
Held Highest National CAM Designation (1993-2018)
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
March 2024
Some of you were looking for a law class. I am forwarding you law classes that I was just made aware of. Unfortunately, in person, but if you need it to renew your license, I thought I would share.
See the attached ...
fairhousing@ssfhc.org <fairhousing@ssfhc.org>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2024 8:57 PM
To: fairhousing@ssfhc.org
Due to time constraints and Kate’s limited talents, we are going old-school with our education opportunities email this month. 😊
We hope you’ll be able to join us for one or more classes. If that doesn’t work, we hope to see you at our first Community Resource Fair in Las Vegas! Here are the details on what we’ll be doing in April:
Thursday, April 11, 2024, we will be conducting our accredited Ensuring Equal Housing Opportunity class in Las Vegas. This three-hour class focuses on fair housing protections for people with disabilities, including reasonable modifications and reasonable accommodations. The flyer with additional information is attached.
Ensuring Equal Housing Opportunity
CE.6988000-RE - 3.0 hours (Ethics) / CE.0482000-CAM - 3.0 hours (Law & Legislation)
Thursday, April 11, 2024 9AM to Noon
Culinary Academy / 710 W. Lake Mead Blvd., North Las Vegas, NV 89030
Cost: $20 per person
RSVP required: 702.749.3288 or fairhousing@ssfhc.org
Friday, April 19, 2024, we will conduct our remote Basics of Fair Housing class on Zoom. A flyer with details is attached.
Basics of Fair Housing
No CE credits for this class
Friday, April 19, 2024 9AM to Noon
RSVP required: 702.749.3288 or fairhousing@ssfhc.org
Tuesday, April 30, 2024, we will be in Reno to conduct our accredited ABCs of Fair Housing class. The flyer is attached.
ABCs of Fair Housing
CE.2630000-RE - 3.0 hours (Ethics) / CE.0060001-CAM - 3.0 hours (Law & Legislation)
Tuesday, April 30, 2024 9AM to Noon
Sierra Nevada REALTORS / 5650 Riggins Court – Classroom B, Reno, NV 89502
Cost: $20 per person
RSVP required: 775.324.0990 or fairhousing@ssfhc.org
On Saturday, April 13, 2024, we will be hosting a Community Resource Fair in Las Vegas. As part of our mission to ensure equal housing opportunity, we realize that there is rarely one issue that stands in the way of finding housing. We will be joining with nonprofit groups from throughout the Vegas Valley to provide information about RIGHTS, RESOURCES, and REMEDIES that help to create equal housing opportunity. Please join us! I am attaching flyers in English and Spanish. Feel free to share! The flier is attached.
Putting the pieces together to learn your rights, resources, and remedies to find equal housing opportunity in Nevada.
Saturday, April 13, 2024, 10AM to 2PM
East Las Vegas Community Center / 250 N. Eastern Avenue – Ballroom A, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Thank you, as always for your interest and your support! Feel free to share this information with anyone you think might be interested!
Katherine Knister Zook, Executive Director
Silver State Fair Housing Council
775.324.0990 or 775.324.0438 No. NV / 702.749.3288 So. NV
888.585.8634 toll-free – Relay Nevada 711
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal & Legal Secretary
Held Highest National CAM Designation (1993-2018)
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
February 2024
Date: 020524 ... Classes - Reno & Vegas
I don’t know how many of you need classes, but Silver State Fair housing asked me to pass this on to all of you. It is a good class and has 3 hours of law and legislation credits - CE.0060001
I have attached their flier so you can see how to sign up and it is in person.
Gary Lein will be doing his financial class in May, and it should be noticed soon, but this is open for your directors to attend and understand as well.
Here is the link to look up other classes. They are updated every Thursday apparently.
Sara E. Barry CAM
Licensed Insurance Producer
UNLV Certified Paralegal & Legal Secretary
Held Highest National CAM Designation (1993-2018)
Community Association Solutions
Henderson, NV 89053
January 2024
Date: 011624 ... A BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR! ... Hopefully it will be just that ... On Another Very Important Matter .... Are Your Smoke Detectors Working Properly? Are You Servicing Them Annually?
When was the last time they were checked, and the batteries replaced?
There is a component in our homes that we all take for granted. … Smoke Detectors.
Referenced sources state that smoke detectors be checked regularly by depressing the button found on the body of the detector and listening for a loud screech as this is what the detector will sound like in operation. Batteries should be changed once a year. Select a consistent time of year to replace the batteries. The start or end of daylight savings is one good suggestion, but any annual date will work.
Any remodeling to the home which includes internal remodeling or to the exterior structure (such as adding a room) which may require the addition of new detectors requires that all detectors in the home be replaced with like kind.
The real reason for this article is due to an issue we ran into in our home recently. As many of you have had happen, one of the detectors started its periodic, annoying beep. Battery time! Of course, when one starts beeping, it’s usually a good time to replace all of them.
So, I called a friend, and he came over with his ladder that reaches to the stars and we proceeded to embark on the fun job of replacing smoke detector batteries on our 15 or so foot ceilings. We also wound up having to replace a number of the detectors. (An aside note: All detectors are required to talk to one another. So … if one goes off, they all go off.) What we found, however, is that three of them were not wire into the system and couldn't be ... no third wire. They were unable to talk to the others. So, we decided we needed to replace most of them with the same newer ones that were already installed.
These devices are installed for our safety and need to be checked regularly and batteries replaced. If you have questions regarding these devices, you can stop by one of the Fire Stations near you and speak to one of the fire fighters. They’ll be happy to help you or direct you to the right source.
Don Barry RSS-03
Held Highest National CAM Designation (1994-2014)
Community Solutions, Inc.
Reserve Studies and More
Henderson, Nevada 89053-0639
Site Updated Regularly.
Updates are ongoing.
Watch for Sara's Blasts!
2023 was a legislative year In Nevada & there was a lot of legislation passed that affects Common Interest Communities (CICs) and as you know, much of it isn't necessarily friendly to CIC Owners. Continue to monitor Sara's blasts for information on the latest updates. Email:
to sign up.