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These conditions have existed before on this planet and in our country. It has happened before and it will happen again. BUT … We don't know the timeline and therefore, we have to assume that it will continue into the unpredictable future. That being said, we now need to seriously conserve this precious resource. Below are links and phone numbers for the Las Vegas Valley Water District, the City of North Las Vegas and the City of Henderson. Unfortunately, as we checked out these links and phone numbers we discovered that the Cities and Water District do not yet seem to be serious about the water situation. There should be 24 hour/7day a week numbers to call to report serious water infractions, line breaks, etc. There aren't – currently. Until the State, Cities and other involved entities in Nevada take the current water situation seriously, we will continue to waste water. What's amazing is that the Southern Nevada Water Authority has responsibility over this, BUT NO AUTHORITY!!! Therefore, we as individuals will have to take up the slack and do our part.


The numbers and links that we have been told to use to report water waste are shown below.

Las Vegas Valley Water District: 702-870-4194


City of Henderson: 702-870-4194


North Las Vegas: 702-633-1275


Link to June 10, 2021 Las Vegas Review Journal Article

This is a MUST READ for HOA's and Homeowners.


Click image to watch SNWA
Power Point presentation.

City of Henderson ... HOW TO DRAIN YOUR POOL OR SPA

This information provided by the City of Henderson explains how to properly drain a swimming pool or spa. It is important to know the DO'S and DON'TS while performing this task. link to brochure.



"Since the early 2000's, voluntary turf reduction (lawn removal) for the purpose of conserving water and reducing maintenance has become a very popular method of landscape renovation. The removal of turf grass greatly reduces water usage and, therefore, helps the environment and saves you money. So, congratulations to all that are taking water conservation seriously ..."

Continue on reading this very important article .....

08.13.23 - We are continually gathering and reviewing additional data on this subject and will be posting articles, links and other resources when they are available.


As we continue to move in to an environment that is more natural to the part of the country that we live in, we must make changes that many of us will oppose, but it is necessary for the area to survive. Climate change is a natural phenomenon. These types of changes have occurred over and over through the evolution of our earth. We're no going through another change cycle. Whether man has in any part helped this along we'll not know.  

The accompanying slide show is of a class presented by Community Association Solutions in February of this year. An Arborist from Davey Tree assisted in presenting this first class. Sign up for this class when Sara sets the next date. Request Sara put you on her blast list ...

Newly Added water waste ...

  Newly Added - 031722                   

Take on water-waste, inside and outside your home ...

With our community’s allocation of Colorado River water reduced by 7

billion gallons this year, we are all taking on greater responsibility to use

our limited supply more efficiently—which includes a commitment to prevent and report water waste. 

Link to Read Article

NOTICES 1 protecting established trees

TREE ISSUES – Protecting Established Trees During Turf Removal!


  • Don’t Turn Off Watering the Turf to Kill the Turf and Forget About the Established Trees Needing Water!

  • You Won’t Necessarily See an Immediate Effect on the Trees But You Will Eventually See Them Suffer and Potentially Die if Left Without Water for Too Long a Period of Time Especially in the Summer Months.

  • Turf Removal Should be Done in the Late Fall or Winter Months When Many Trees are Dormant and Therefore Less Sensitive to Short Term Loss of Irrigation. Definitely


We asked David Hines from Davey Tree regarding our statement and here was his response ...

"You are correct.  Turf conversion projects should occur in cool season months, with regards to mature trees that will be affected by the conversion.  There are many factors that contribute to making cool weather the best time for these projects.  Trees can be put under a great deal of stress when a changes to their environment occurs.  When a plant is stressed,  it’s left vulnerable to secondary insects and disease infestations.  All these factors can lead to further decline and possibly premature failure. To generalize, yes dormant trees will have the least shock in response to a change in the environment like turf conversion.  Also Moisture loss from tree leaves is usually lower and, therefore, the need to replenish water will be less in cool seasons."

David Hines

Assistant District Manager

Certified Arborist WE-12741A

Davey Tree Expert Co.



Site Updated Regularly.
Updates are ongoing.

Watch for Sara's Blasts!


2023 was a legislative year In Nevada & there was a lot of legislation passed that affects Common Interest Communities (CICs) and as you know, much of it isn't necessarily friendly to CIC Owners. Continue to monitor Sara's blasts for information on the latest updates. Email:

to sign up.

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Updated 01.09.25
 ... Copyright © since 1996
nd of the Free 
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