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Industry Resources (Email if interested. The Industry Resources listing on this page is currently open ended. In the future however, there may be limited advertising opportunities on other pages. Some or all of these opportunities may become fee based.)




 Current contact information: ... web:        phone: (702)538-9074 fax: (702)538-9113

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Wolf, Rifkin, Shapiro, Schulman & Rabkin, LLP
3556 E. Russell Road,
Las Vegas, NV  89120
(702) 341-5200 p,
(702) 341-5300 f


Bookkeeping Services

Certified Public Accountants


A Professional Corporation ... (702)597-1945

Gary W. Lein, CPA, Greg M. Sinacori, CPA, Phillip C. Bateman, CPA

Our team of experienced professionals can assist you with the following services: Audits, Reviews, and Compilations - Income Tax Preparation - Consulting Services
5520 S. Fort Apache Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89148

Collection Services (Community Association)

Community Association Industry Organizations

Community Association Management Sources

General Contractors

Insurance Firms














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Pooper Scooper

Reserve Fund Investing

Reserve Study Specialists 

Roofing Companies

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Watch for Sara's Blasts!


2023 was a legislative year In Nevada & there was a lot of legislation passed that affects Common Interest Communities (CICs) and as you know, much of it isn't necessarily friendly to CIC Owners. Continue to monitor Sara's blasts for information on the latest updates. Email:

to sign up.

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Disclaimer: HOASupport and CASolutions assume no liability for the information provided on this website or any subordinate website. It is provided as a service to the reader and its' use or lack of use is purely voluntary on the part of the reader. Any legal, financial or other profession related subjects should be researched and/or verified through the appropriate licensed or certified industry professional.
LEGAL: The content on this site is the intellectual property of Sara E. Barry or the stated author. If no other author (or owner) is stated, it is the intellectual property of Sara E. Barry. Downloading and limited use of material on site is granted for use with the following exceptions. Commercial use (for profit or otherwise), use for training or handouts (without prior written permission), use on other web sites, inclusion in publications (without prior written permission), etc., is not permitted. Legal action may be taken against any party suspected of being guilty of these acts. Please reference "Legal Notice" page for any additional legal information.
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HOASupport. All rights reserved.
Updated 01.09.25
 ... Copyright © since 1996
nd of the Free 
Because of the Brave
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